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Catalog Creation on GeM

A seller must have at least one catalog in that category in order to participate in the bid. Let's see how sellers can add new catalogs to the GeM Platform.

There are two types of catalogs that can be listed on the platform.

  1. Products
  2. Services

Let's learn both in detail.

Add a new product

Before adding a new product, you must first identify the category of your product. This tutorial can help you get one.

Add New Offering

Once you have identified the category, go to Catalogue > Products > Add New Offering Search for the identified category in the left search bar and click on the resulting category.

There are a total of 5 steps you need to follow in order to create a new product catalog on GeM.

  1. GENERAL INFORMATION: This includes brand name, catalog clone option, and golden parameters of the category.

General Information

Select your brand name (learn how to add a brand) and enter the golden specification of the product

  1. CATALOGUE INFORMATION: Enter the model number, product name and active bid number (optional).

Catalog information

  1. OFFERING QUANTITY & PRICE: Enter the details about Country of origin, MRP, Rate, and Delivery location.

Offering Quantity and Price

  1. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION: Select product's technical specifications like Material, Packaging etc

Product Specification

  1. UPLOAD IMAGES: You need to upload three different images to proceed

Upload Images

To publish your catalog, accept the terms and conditions and verify the captcha.

Add a new service

Navigate to the Catalogue > Services > Add New Offering and search for the service you want to list

Add new service

Enter the experience, rate details, upload required certificates and click on VALIDATE AND SAVE

Rate Sheet

You can see your catalog status in Catalogue > Products > Search My Offerings in the waiting for admin clearance section.

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